Prepare for End-of-Life

Consider decommissioning and end-of-life as part of your project workflow. If you were to pick up your interior project and shake it, what would fall out? All those non-fixed and non-structural items need an end-of-life strategy.

Set End-of-Life Goals

For interior renovations, try not to throw away as much existing furniture as possible. Within your own product selections set end of life goals for particular categories, prioritizing reusable or recyclable products.

Resurface, Refinish, Repair

Pick products that can be maintained, refreshed, and used for longer periods through resurfacing, reupholstering, refinishing, or repairing. Prefer products that are assembled with fasteners rather than adhesives.

Encourage Internal Reuse Programs or Asset Management Systems

Point clients towards creating internal reuse strategies (between facilities at different locations) or use asset management systems like Rheaply or Globechain.

Involve Stakeholders in End-of-Life Strategies

Different stakeholders might hold end-of-life solutions for various product categories. Vendors might offer leased products and take-back programs. Dealers can leverage their warehouses for reselling.

If you have feedback on the Climate Toolkit for Interior Design, write to: [email protected]

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