Plan for Reuse Upfront

Weave reuse strategies into the early stages of the project:

Make Reuse Part of the Project Strategy

Have a conversation about reuse with clients, pointing out the benefits of reuse in terms of telling a more powerful story with the space, saving costs on virgin products and materials, and lowering the carbon footprint of the project. Reuse is also a way of futureproofing a project and prepares clients for growth.

Team Up Early

Partner with likeminded contractors and present approaches and concepts as a team to the client. This can be a powerful advantage while creating the cost analysis of reuse and recycling strategies.

Make an Inventory

Conduct a pre-design evaluation and create an inventory of everything the client has that can be reused or adapted. Look for historic elements that can be reused directly.

Gather Utility Information

Ask for utility information upfront, because knowing about and potentially reusing lighting systems and HVAC can result in a great experience and save costs.

Collaborate on the Approach to Reuse

Work with clients to create a framework for a reusable or easily “renovatable” space to inform your own design.

If you have feedback on the Climate Toolkit for Interior Design, write to: [email protected]

Sample Responsibly
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Prioritize Reuse and Recycling